Yuuri Hasegawa is a laid-back teenager attending an average school. In contrast, Keiichirou "Keiichi" Katsuragi comes from an important family of politicians, bearing their expectations for him to lead the country in the future. And yet, despite their differences, Yuuri and Keiichi are in love with each other. Upon dating, Yuuri is astounded by Keiichi's seemingly endless list of traditions that he is required to uphold. He cannot engage in any degree of intimacy, and he is constantly tailed by an armada of bodyguards who report his every movement to his family. All Yuuri wants is a normal relationship, but every attempt she makes to breach her boyfriend's unyielding composure goes up in flames. While he might not show it explicitly, even Keiichi longs to be able to touch Yuuri. He looks for loopholes in his family's rules—anything to improve the situation of his romance. Keeping their hands to themselves, Yuuri and Keiichi are forced to go against all odds to make their relationship last. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
This manga heavily implies on traditions, and I've never seen something like this before, hence why the 10 on originality. It's a fun and fluffy manga, the comedy was good, and art style looks great. Yuuri definitely compromised more, but I'd say it's a good balance. She is willing to go far for Keiichi, starting with learning how to dance, learn etiquette, and even work multiple part time jobs just so she can give a birthday surprise to him. She is one persistent girl, being able to put up against the Katsuragi family antics, even stepping up and start discussing to the original tradition creator, which is the Keiichi's grandfather.
Keiichi on the other hand, I feel like he utilizes what he has access to very well, such as his high influence. He's able to sway both schools to do what he wants just to make Yuuri happy, which on one hand may seem like an abuse of power, but on the other hand, I feel like that's the only available option for him, since he really can't just skip work (he does a lot of work for a 17-year to be politician).
So I do feel like their dynamic complements each other, which is already sign of a good manga. However, sadly the ending was very short, I feel like there's a lot more to tell after they finally did it (took her a whole dang year of wishing :D), but the manga ending was very short. I want to see them in the future with their kids, kinda like how Yamada and the Seven Witches did its ending.
But it is still a good read! Do give it a shot!